Forthcoming Events :-


29 June 2024

Visit to the place in London where Frederick Courtney Selous was born.

July 2024

Rhodes & Founders Day celebration event.

September 2024

“Raising of the Flag” ceremony – Oxfordshire.

Autumn 2024

Trip to a Rugby match featuring a club with strong South African connections.


In late April 2024 the Springbok Club staged a trip to Portsmouth in order to see HMS Warrior, HMS Victory and the magnificent Mary Rose exhibition. After this visit the tour party stopped off on the way back at Petersfield where they were able to present Peter Fisher, the former Chairman of the Springbok Club, with an ornate certificate confirming his appointment as the organisation’s Honorary President. Pictured left: some of the tour party members on board HMS Warrior, and right: presenting Peter Fisher with his Honorary President’s certificate.


In mid-April 2024 the Springbok Club held a fascinating meeting in central London, which was addressed by Mr. Geoff Hill [pictured right], the Africa correspondent for both The Washington Times and The Spectator. There was a high turnout for this meeting, and Mr. Hill’s speech was accurately described as a “tour de force” by several of the attendees. As his talk was given under Chatham House rules full details cannot be given, but it can be stated that he conveyed several insightful and dramatic predictions concerning the likely outcomes in a number of important elections scheduled for southern Africa in the near future, and probable developments as a result of these outcomes.



The Springbok Club commemorated the Day of the Vow in December 2023 with a trip to Westcliffe-on-Sea, where a splendid meal was enjoyed and good contact made with several members and supporters from the Southend area.


The Springbok Club held a most enjoyable and successful buffet-meeting in order to celebrate UDI Day in November 2023. The guest speaker was Mr. Stuart Agnew, the former UKIP MEP for the East of England (pictured left), who gave a highly fascinating talk about his years in Rhodesia and South Africa, and also told something about his recent appearances on the Farage programme on GBNews. Following this enthralling talk an informal convivial gathering took place at which many both old and new friendships were cemented, and a sumptuous array of buffet-snacks were eagerly consumed!



The Springbok Club staged the 2023 “Raising of the Flag” ceremony (maintaining the tradition established by the late, great Peter Sladden at Southrepps in Norfolk) commemorating the first raising of the Union Flag by the Pioneer Column at the site which would become Salisbury, Rhodesia, at Sudbury in Suffolk. This site was chosen because Sudbury had been the boyhood home of the Rt.Hon. Sir Leander Starr Jameson “Dr.Jim”, the great supporter and confident of Cecil John Rhodes who had been a central figure in the foundation of Rhodesia. Pictured (right) is the Colour Party raising the Rhodesian, BSAP Regimental Association and Union Flags outside the old Sudbury Grammar School where Jameson received his early education.



The Springbok Club held a most enjoyable and fascinating buffet-meeting in July 2023 which was addressed by Mr. Mike Parvess PMI. In his enthralling and inspiring talk Rhodesian-born Mike Parvess told something about his early life in Rhodesia, his time in the South African Army, and then his return to the re-named Zimbabwe where he took up farming and joined both the Police and Army Reserve. He told specifically about his success in both armed services as a top rifle marksman, but then gave a riveting account of how after he relocated to the UK he took up Archery and became one of the country’s leading competitive Archers, showing the audience his competition bow and arrows, the trophies which he had won and some pictures of his triumphs.




In May 2023 the Springbok Club joined forces with the Patriotic Forum in order to celebrate Empire Day. Brief talks were given by three prominent members of the organisations about their times spent in Rhodesia, Kenya and Canada, and about visits to Gibraltar, Malta, Hong Kong and Bermuda.



In April 2023 the Springbok Club staged a trip to the famous Rochester Sweeps Festival, in order to soak up the atmosphere at this traditional folk event. As well as watching many of the fantastic Morris Dancing troupes performing in the streets, the Springbok Club party also watched the musical performances of The Fabulous Fezheads in the Rochester Castle Gardens [pictured right], and Triality, who gave a wonderful rendition of the appropriate “The Bold Fusilier – Marching through Rochester”!



In March 2023 the Springbok Club staged a trip to Chislehurst, where they visited both Camden Place House (now the clubhouse of the Chislehurst Golf Club) where Emperor Napolean III (Louis Napolean) and his son, The Prince Imperial, lived the final few years of their lives after being forced into exile following the Franco-Prussian War, and the famous Chislehurst Caves. After these visits Mr. Gary Vincent gave an enthralling PowerPoint presentation about the life and tragic death of The Prince Imperial.



In February 2023 the Springbok Club held a special meeting at a historic venue in the City of London where Mr. Gavin Sandeman gave the second instalment of his fascinating readings from the letters and diary entries of his illustrious distant relative of Cmd.E.C.”Teddy” Tyndale-Biscoe, which recounted life in early Rhodesia during the 1890s.



The Springbok Club held its 2023 AGM in January, at which the Committee was revised and events decided upon for the early part of the year. After the business side of the meeting was completed Mr.Gary Vincent gave a highly informative and well-researched PowerPoint presentation about the life and career of Jan Christian Smuts.



The Springbok Club held their annual UDI Anniversary celebration buffet-meeting in November 2022, at which the guest speaker was Mr.Gavin Sandeman. Mr. Sandeman, who is a distant relative of Cmd.E.C.”Teddy” Tyndale-Biscoe, who of course first raised the Union Flag over the site which became Salisbury, Rhodesia, in 1890, gave a riveting talk in which he read from several of the letters written by his illustrious distant relative to members of his family, describing life during the early years of Rhodesia in the 1890s. Pictured [right] are some of the members and supporters of the Springbok Club partaking of the sumptuous buffet which was served at this event. Gavin Sandeman is seated at the top table wearing the light blue jersey.



In early October 2022 the Springbok Club again fulfilled its promise to Peter Sladden by maintaining the traditional ”Raising of the Flag” ceremony, which was held annually at Cecil Square, Salisbury, Rhodesia from 1891 until 1979, and at Peter Sladden’s estate at Southrepps in Norfolk from 1981 until 2017. This year the ceremony was held at Swanage in Dorset, which had been the home to Cmd.E.C.”Teddy” Tyndale-Biscoe (who of course first raised the Union Flag at the site which became Salisbury, Rhodesia, on 13th September 1890) from 1936 until his death in 1941. The ceremony was held outside the house where he lived in Bon Accord Road, Swanage, with Mr. Graham Gillmore (ex-RLI) acting as parade commander. After the Union Flag and the Rhodesian Flags were raised by Mr. Alan Williamon and Mrs.Susan Gordon key-note speeches were given by Mr.Stuart Agnew (former UKIP MEP for the East of England) and Mr. Gavin Sandeman (of the Sandeman Port importing family), which was followed by rousing renditions of both the British and Rhodesian National Anthems led by Mr.Alex Knox-Wylie. Toasts were then raised to the memories of Cmd.E.C.”Teddy” Tyndale-Biscoe and Mr.Peter Sladden and to The King with Sandeman Port (both Cmd.E.C.”Teddy” Tyndale-Biscoe’s mother and his firth wife were members of the Sandeman Port importing family), before participants adjourned to The Black Swan (which is believed to have been Cmd.E.C.”Teddy” Tyndale-Biscoe’s “local”) where Mr.Gary Vinent gave a captivating PowerPoint presentation about his life and career, before everyone enjoyed a sumptuous evening meal.



In August 2022 the Springbok Club  staged a trip to the Dr.Johnson House Museum in central London, where party members were able to view the home and personal artefacts of the great 18th century lexicographer, before adjourning to the near-by historic Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese  hostelry.



In July 2022 the Springbok Club held a special gathering in order to remember Rhodesia and to celebrate Rhodes and Founders Day. The Springbok Club’s Treasurer gave a sparkling and enthralling illustrated talk about her own time in Rhodesia during the 1970s, and the Chairman of the organisation told something about his own three trips to Rhodesia, including his experiences in 1976 when he was a member of the famous Tour of the country.



In June 2022 the Springbok Club staged a most interesting and enjoyable trip to the London Canal Museum in the King’s Cross district of London, and afterwards held a most convivial get-together in a near-by hostelry.



For the Springbok Club’s May event the Kent Branch staged a trip to the traditional Rochester Sweeps Festival. It was at this festival in 1994 where the famous Rochester Declaration which pledged “continuing determination to work for the re-establishment of civilised rule in the African continent” was initiated.



On 23rd April 2022 the Springbok Club staged a visit to the Museum of London Docklands, when they were also able to celebrate St.George’s Day/Sigurd’s Day. This trip had been specially organised because last year the statue to the great British entrepreneur and visionary, Robert Milligan, who had initiated and financed the construction of London’s first enclosed docks, which used to stand in front of the museum, had been removed by enemies of the British people last year. A large picture of the statue of Robert Milligan (pictured left) now however adorns a near-by wall, and so the Springbok Club party therefore were able to pay their respects and admiration towards thw great man at this site.




The Springbok Club held its 2022 AGM in March 2022, at which a revised Committee was elected and a schedule of events for the rest of 2022 was agreed upon. At the conclusion of the business side of proceedings Mr. Gary Vincent gave another of his fascinating PowerPoint presentations, this one being about the foundation and colonisation of New Zealand from Capt. James Cook’s voyages of discovery in late 18th century until the first permanent settlements were established by the New Zealand Company in 1839/40/



In January 2022 the Springbok Club staged a joint celebration of both Burns Night and Australia Day. After a sumptuous haggis supper Mr. Gary Vincent gave a fascinating PowerPoint presentation about the ships which took part in the first settlement of Australia, and then a number of those present journeyed on to the near-by bust of Admiral Arthur Phillip (who founded the settlement at Sydney and became the first Governor of New South Wales) in the City of London where the original version of the Australian National Anthem was sung.



In late October 2021 the Springbok Club held a meeting which was addressed by Mr. James Lockwood LLB, AKC. In a most enthralling and enlightening speech Mr. Lockwood, who holds office in all three Loyal Orders in England, told something about the history, work and objectives of the Loyal Orders, dating back from the Glorious Revolution of 1688 until the present day.


In early October 2021 the Springbok Club continued to fulfil its promise to Peter Sladden by maintaining the traditional ”Raising of the Flag” ceremony, which was held annually at Cecil Square, Salisbury, Rhodesia from 1891 until 1979, and at Peter Sladden’s estate at Southrepps in Norfolk from 1981 until 2017. This year the ceremony was held at Dalham in Suffolk, where Cecil Rhodes’ brother Francis “Frank” Rhodes was once Lord of the Manor, and is buried. Cecil Rhodes himself bought the near-by Dalham Hall, but sadly never lived there. Pictured [left] are members of the Colour Party at this ceremony, standing by the grave of Francis “Frank” Rhodes, where due respects were paid.

In August 2021 The Springbok Club staged a visit to Theydon Bois in Essex in order to pay their respects at the grave of James Theodore Bent. James Theodore Bent was a respected 19th Century traveller, explorer and archaeologist, who, inter alia, was commissioned by the Royal Geographical Society and the British South African Company to visit and study the Zimbabwe Ruins in the then recently colonised Rhodesia and to report back on his conclusions regarding its origins. In an excellent PowerPoint presentation held after this trip Mr. Gary Vincent told how James Theodore Bent’s analysis showed that the structure was far earlier than 14th century as had previously been believed, but was undoubtedly constructed by the Phoenicians or a similar Mediterranean people centuries before.



In July 2021 the Springbok Club staged a most enjoyable and successful trip to Herne Bay on the north Kent coast last month, The Springbok Club party first visited the statue in honour of Amy Johnson, the female aviation pioneer of the 1930s, on the Herne Bay beachfront, and were able to see the area out at sea where her plane tragically crashed in 1941 The party then went on to see the statue in honour of Sir Barnes Wallis, before proceeding to Reculver where Sir Barnes Wallis’s “bouncing bombs” were tested. Finally the party adjourned to a near-by hostelry where Mr. Gary Vincent gave an excellent PowerPoint presentation about Sir Barnes Wallis, the Reculver testing site, and the Dam-Busters’ raid.



In June 2021 the Springbok Club held a Zoom meeting which was addressed by Mr.Scott Balson from Brisbane, Australia. Mr.Balson founded and runs the on-line expatriate Loving Life Live channel, and told something about the history of this channel and the revelations about what is really happening in the “new” South Africa which have been recounted by some of the South Africans who he has interviewed.



In late August 2020, following an enforced break caused by the “lockdown” lunacy, the Springbok Club resumed activities with a trip to the Royal Naval War Memorial in Chatham, where special respects were paid to Sub.Lieut. Charles van der Byl, a South African submariner who was killed in 1916 whilst serving on the submarine HMS G1. Respects were also paid to Engine Room Artificer Arthur Grant, who once served on the same ship that Sub.Lieut.van der Byl later served on, HMS Goliath, before being transferred to HMS Derwent which struck a mine and sank in 1917. Afterwards the Springbok Club party viewed the near-by house where Engine Room Artificer Arthur Grant once lived, before adjourning to a hostelry in Chatham where a PowerPoint presentation was given about the Naval career of Sub.Lieut.Charles van der Byl, and the history of the famous Cape family from which he came.



In February 2020 the Springbok Club organised a trip to the Wallace Collection in London, where inter alia they viewed the special exhibition entitled “Forgotten Masters: Indian Painting for the East India Company”.



The Springbok Club held their 2020 AGM in January 2020. At the conclusion of the very successful business side of proceedings Mr. Gary Vincent gave an enthralling and extremely well researched PowerPoint presentation about the 1820 Settlers, thus reminding everyone that this year marks the 200th anniversary of this most important episode in South African history.



In September 2019 the Springbok Club staged a most enjoyable, and indeed inspiring, visit to the “Salute to the Forties” festival held at Chatham Historic Dockyard in Kent.



In June 2019 the Springbok Club staged a trip to the Launch Site of the S.S.Great Eastern on the Isle of Dogs, after which a fascinating PowerPoint presentation about the building and history of the ship was shown, which included details about the mystery of the “curse of the Hope Diamond”.



In May 2019 the Springbok Club staged a most enjoyable trip to the traditional annual Rochester Sweeps Festival. It was at this festival in 1994 where the famous Rochester Declaration which pledged “continuing determination to work for the re-establishment of White control in the African continent” was initiated.



On Saturday 6th April 2019 the Springbok Club staged a special double-celebration buffet-meeting in order to celebrate both Van Riebeeck Day and the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Hon. Ian Douglas Smith. The guest speaker at this event was Mr. Stuart Agnew MEP, the UKIP MEP for the East of England, who told something about his time spent living and working in Rhodesia, and who also gave a report-back on his recent trip to South Africa when, as part of an official European Parliamentary delegation, he investigated the facts concerning the current farm murder campaign currently taking place in the country. Also present at this meeting were Mr. Robert Phillips, whose family knew the Hon. Ian Douglas Smith personally, and Mr. Neil Farnell, who initiated the famous 1976 tour of Rhodesia, both of whom said a few words about their respective experiences.



In February 2019 the Springbok Club staged its 2019 AGM, which was followed by a most fascinating visit to the Brunel Museum in Rotherhithe, south-east London.


As the usual venue for the annual “Raising of the Flag” ceremony (marking the anniversary of the foundation of Rhodesia in 1890) in Norfolk was unavailable in 2018 because of extensive repair works, this year’s ceremony took place at Bath in Somerset. Pictured [left] is Rhodesian born-and-bred Mrs. Thorley Oliver raising the Union Flag, alongside Sgt. Graham Gillmore (ex-Grenadier Guards, RLI and South African Pathfinders Company) who acted as Parade Commander, and [right] some of the large group of supporters who attended the ceremony. After the flag-raising itself short speeches were given by Mr. Alan Harvey and Mr. Peter Jewell, followed by a key-note speech by Mr. Stuart Agnew MEP, all of whom had lived for a while and had strong links to Rhodesia.



On Remembrance Sunday 2018 a contingent of Springbok Club members and supporters attended the annual Rhodesian Remembrance service held outside Westminster Abbey in London.


In August 2018 the Springbok Club staged a visit to the British Library in order to view a most fascinating exhibition being staged there entitled “James Cook: The Voyages”. This exhibition recounted the three famous voyages made by Capt. James Cook the British explorer ad navigator during the latter 18th century, in which he explored the hitherto unknown expanses of the Pacific Ocean discovering and mapping New Zealand, the eastern coast of Australia and other smaller but equally significant islands which later became integral parts of the great and glorious British Empire. After the visit to this exhibition the Springbok Club party adjourned to a near-by hostelry for a convivial gathering, where not only did they discuss the inspirational presentation of Capt. Cook’s voyages which they had just witnessed, but also made some important decisions about the future development and advance of the Springbok Club.




In June 2018 the Springbok Club held a meeting which was addressed by Mr. Anthony “Tony” Williams. Mr. Williams had been actively involved in patriotic organisations in the UK during his youth, and as a result had been a full-hearted supporter of his Rhodesian kith and kin during the UDI era, becoming an active member of the Anglo-Rhodesian Society, and furthermore was one of the members of the famous party of five [then] young members of the Anglo-Rhodesia Society who toured Rhodesia in 1976 in order to express their solidarity with the Rhodesian people. Mr. Williams subsequently emigrated to Australia in 1999, thus maintaining his stance of belief in the solidarity of his British kith and kin around the world. In his scintillating speech entitled “Patriotism in the modern era: An Australian perspective”, Mr. Williams told much about the current situation in Australia, emphasising that it faced many of the same problems as Britain and the rest of the Western world. He also recounted many of his experiences from the famous 1976 tour of Rhodesia, and expressed pleasant surprise at many positive signs which he had seen in the UK during his return visit. In particular he told how delighted he had been with the triumph for the “Vote Leave” cause during the 2016 EU referendum, and how he hoped and believed that this would signal far closer trading, social and cultural links between the UK and Australia post-Brexit.




A party of Springbok Club members made a trip to the Medway Towns in May 2018 in order witness the annual Rochester Sweeps Festival, and to partake in the festivities.



In April 2018 the Springbok Club joined forces with the Patriotic Forum in order to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the foundation of the RAF. This event consisted of a ceremony at St.Clement Danes Church in The Strand, London, where a wreath in honour of all those who have served in the RAF was laid at the altar and poppy-crosses were laid at the statues of Marshall of the RAF Lord Dowding and Marshall of the RAF Sir Arthur Harris outside the church. This was followed by the showing of a PowerPoint presentation about the careers of these two great commanders at a near-by hostelry. It should be remembered in this context that there are strong Southern African connections to the RAF, as its formation was the brainchild of Gen. Jan Christian Smuts, and Marshall of the RAF Sir Arthur Harris spent his youth in Southern Rhodesia and initially served with 44 Squadron (Rhodesia) of the Royal Flying Corps and then the RAF.



In February 2018 the Springbok Club staged a trip to the National Army Museum in Chelsea, London, which proved a most interesting and enjoyable event, and which was followed by a convivial get-together in a near-by hostelry.



On 16th December 2017 the Springbok Club staged a special gathering to commemorate the 179th Anniversary of the Battle of Blood River (the Day of the Vow) at the site of the holy White Horse Stone near Aylesford in Kent.



The Springbok Club was again most honoured to be invited to participate in the annual “Raising of the Flag” ceremony in Norfolk on Sunday 10th September 2017. Unfortunately the threat of inclement weather meant that the event had to be held inside the estate’s main barn this year, which in spite of certain drawbacks did even so mean that the music provided by the Cromer and Sheringham Brass Band seemed more rousing and inspirational than ever. This event commemorates the anniversary of the foundation of the great nation of Rhodesia in 1890, when the Pioneer Column reached the site of what was to become the capital city of Salisbury, and hoisted the Union Flag on 13th September. It was therefore particularly significant this year that the Union Flag was raised by Mr.Andy Hope-Hall, who is a great-great-nephew of Cmd.E.C.”TeddyTindale-Biscoe who actually hoisted the original Union Flag in 1890! Pictured above is [left] Mr. Hope-Hall giving a truly msmerising speech just after hoisting the Flag (which can be seen in the background), [centre] some of the large crowd in attendance, with the Cromer and Sheringham Brass Band in the background, and [right] Mr. Peter Sladden the Lord of the Manor of Southrepps (who in spite of now being 97 continues to organise this spectacular event on his estate), seated below a picture of one of his ancestors with other attendees enjoying drinks and buffet snacks before the actual ceremony itself.



In August 2017 the Springbok Club held a most important meeting which was addressed by Mr. Johnny Rodrigues, the founder and chairman of the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force. In his most enlightening though very disturbing talk Mr.Rodrigues told not only about the escalating dangers which wildlife in Zimbabwe was facing from endemic poaching, “trophy hunting” (as in the case of Cecil the Lion) and live-exporting to China, but also told how several attempts had been made on his life because of his efforts to halt these crimes and thereby to protect the country’s wildlife. He further told how a global campaign was now being mounted by the ZCTF in order to alert the powers-that-be around the world to this most worrying situation prevailing in Zimbabwe, and to encourage the outside world to take effective steps to save threatened wildlife throughout the African continent.


The Springbok Club‘s annual Rhodes & Founders commemoration buffet-meeting held in July 2017 proved a highly successful and enjoyable event. The guest speaker at this function was Mr. Peter Jewell (seen seated at the top table, left) who gave a captivating talk about his time in Rhodesia, his sporting exploits and his work for Air Trans Africa.


In June 2017 the Springbok Club staged a historical walking tour in the city of London, visiting some of the sites traditionally associated with King Arthur.



In April 2017 the Springbok Club staged a trip to the Medway Towns. This commenced with a solemn visit to the grave of Lt.Cmdr. Eugene Esmonde VC, DSO, on the occasion of the 75th anniversary of his burial in Gillingham Cemetery. Following this the Springbok Club party journeyed on to Rochester in order to partake in the festivities of the annual traditional Rochester Sweeps Festival.



The Springbok Club held its 2017 AGM in February 2017, after which a special tribute was staged to the memory of that great South African hero and patriot Clive Derby-Lewis, who had died at the end of 2016. As well as reading out the funeral oration delivered at his funeral and tributes to him written by both his widow and his brother-in-law, a special speech entitled “Clive Derby-Lewis as I knew him” was delivered by a leading member of the Springbok Club who knew him personally. This speech can be accessed here.



The Springbok Club held a special buffet meeting in November 2016 in order to celebrate the anniversary of the Rhodesian declaration of UDI. This event was addressed by Mr. Pat Murphy, who held the rank of Captain in the Rhodesian Service Corps, and who gave a riveting talk about his experiences in the Rhodesian Army, including many most amusing anecdotes.



In October 2016 the Springbok Club staged a trip to the Imperial War Museum in London, where inter alia they viewed the special exhibitions entitled “Visions of War: Above and Below” and “Edmund Clark: War on Terror”, which revealed some very interesting facts about the recent past. After this trip the Springbok Club party adjourned to a hostelry in Westminster for a convivial social evening and fruitful discussions about the organisation’s future activities.



On 11th September 2016 the Springbok Club again had the very great honour of being invited to participate in the annual “Raising of the Flag” ceremony in Norfolk, an event which commemorates the arrival of the Pioneer Column at what became Salisbury, Rhodesia, in September 1890, and the raising of the Union Flag there. This event took place annually at Cecil Square, Salisbury, until the advent of the ZANU-PF terrorist regime in 1979, and since 1980 has regularly been re-enacted in Norfolk. The picture to the right shows the Union Flag which had been raised earlier during proceedings and some of the large audience in attendance after the 2016 ceremony had taken place. A link to the speech given by the Organiser of the Springbok Club can be found here.



On 1st June 2016 the Springbok Club held a meeting which was addressed by Mr. Bob Vinnicombe, a visiting Australian supporter of the organisation. Mr.Vinnicombe, who is a long-standing supporter of the South African cause, and who has done much to alert Australians to what is really happening in the “new” South Africa, gave a most interesting talk about the current Australian political situation, and also gave his thoughts and opinions about future Commonwealth co-operation and friendship.



In February 2016 the Springbok Club staged a visit to the “Artist and Empire” Exhibition at the Tate Britain Gallery in London, where inter alia they viewed the famous picture of the Last Stand of Allan Wilson and the Shangani Patrol by Allan Stewart (pictured right).



In December 2015 the Kent Branch of the Springbok Club organised a gathering near Canterbury in order to commemorate the Day of the Vow. At this event the current Organiser of the Springbok Club gave a brief talk in which he reminded everyone about the significance of the Vow taken prior to the Battle of Blood River, and why it was essential to continue honouring it for posterity.



In November 2015 the Springbok Club staged their regular UDI Day celebration buffet. This proved a most enjoyable event with brief talks given about the life and career of the Hon. Ian Douglas Smith and about the inspirational effect which the declaration of UDI 50 years ago in 1965 had throughout the Western world. A sumptuous array of succulent buffet snacks with provided at this gathering, which were enjoyed by all!



On 30th September 2015 the Springbok Club staged a trip to the Victoria & Albert Museum in London where, inter alia, the party viewed an exhibition and and attended a lecture given about the photographs of India and Burma during the 1850s which were taken by Capt. Linnaeus Tripe, a great but alas sadly forgotten son of the British Empire.



The Springbok Club was most honoured to be asked to participate in the annual "Raising of the Flag" ceremony in Norfolk again this year, an event which took place on 13th September 2015 – the exact 125th anniversary of the foundation of Rhodesia, when the Union Flag was first raised in what was to become Cecil Square, Salisbury. The ceremony again consisted of a re-enactment of the raising of the Union Flag which was performed by Rhodesian-born Ms. Sophia Sladden, a short religious service, a keynote speech by the current Organiser of the Springbok Club, the playing and singing of both the British and Rhodesian national anthems and the firing of a 21 gun salute. The ceremony was expertly conducted by the Parade Commander, Mr. Graham Gillmore (ex Grenadier Guards, RLI and the Pathfinder Company of 44 Parachute Brigade of the SADF, and also a member of the Springbok Club). A link to the speech given by the Organiser of the Springbok Club can be found here.


In August 2015 the Springbok Club staged a special gathering to welcome the family of that great Rhodesian Owen Parvess on their trip to the UK. This proved a highly enjoyable and indeed inspirational occasion, as many memorable anecdotes were shared about the life of Owen, who sadly died at the end of 2014. It was also most intriguing to learn that during their trip his family had managed to sprinkle some of his ashes under one of the goalposts at Twickenham, he being a great all-round sportsman, who had represented Rhodesia at Shooting.



On 1st July 2015 the Springbok Club gave its full support to New Britain’s annual Canada Day celebrations in the City of London. There was a good contingent of Springbok Club members and supporters present, for what proved to be a most pleasant and inspiring event. Inter alia these celebrations included a most enlightening speech given by a leading Canadian patriot living in London at the moment, and the playing of both the Canadian and British national anthems by a specially invited band. By attending this event the Springbok Club expressed its full solidarity with its Commonwealth kith and kin, and cemented closer ties with New Britain and other patriotic British organisations who were also represented.



In May 2015 the Springbok Club staged a trip to Southend-on-Sea, where as well as enjoying a convivial gathering and seeing many of the sights of this vibrant seaside town, the party of members and supporters of the Springbok Club also visited an art exhibition being staged by Mr. Roger Alsop (see picture, right), which featured many of his famous paintings of the town’s sea views.



In October 2014 the Springbok Club was addressed by Mr. Alan Williamson, a leading legal expert in the construction industry, who had recently returned from a 9-month contract in the "new" South Africa. In his talk Mr. Williamson gave a fascinating insight into the true conditions which now prevail in that sorry land.



In September 2014 the Springbok Club was most honoured to be invited to attend the annual “Raising of the Flag“ ceremony in Norfolk, which commemorates the founding of Rhodesia in September 1890. This event consists of an actual raising of the Union Flag re-enactment, the playing of a brass band, a short religious ceremony, keynote speeches, the firing of a 21 gun salute and the singing of the Rhodesian national anthem. This year one of the keynote speakers was the current organiser/secretary of the Springbok Club, and a link to his speech can be found here.



The Springbok Club staged a trip to the National Portrait Gallery in London during August 2014, whereat those in attendance viewed special sections of the Gallery concerned with personalities from the Anglo-Boer War and the beginnings of World War One. Afterwards the Springbok Club party adjourned to a near-by hostelry with strong Rhodesian connections where convivial discussions took place about the personalities and events surrounding the pictures just viewed, and plans were also made for future Springbok Club activities.



In June 2014 the Springbok Club staged a trip to see some of the sites and venues of the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games in east London, as well as taking a walk down the re-vitalised Lea Valley, before ending up at a near-by hostelry with strong Olympic connections.




On Empire Day 2014 (24th May) the Springbok Club staged a conducted walking tour through the St.James’s area of London, visiting several sites and locations connected with some of the great heroes of the British Empire – particularly the 1st Baron Clive (“Clive of India”). After the tour the party adjourned to a splendid hostelry near St.James’s Park for interesting informal discussions about some of the heroic figures whose sites had been seen. This proved a most convivial ending to a truly inspiring day.



A contingent of Springbok Club members attended the Saracens RFC v. Natal Sharks match at Allianz Park on 25th January 2014, where a number of good new contacts were made. Saracens won the match 23-15.


Later during January the Springbok Club held their 2014 AGM, which proved a good success, and which was followed by a most fascinating talk by Mr. Cliff Moore (a former resident of South Africa, Rhodesia and a number of other African countries) about his Rhodesian experiences.



The Springbok Club staged its annual UDI Day celebrations in November 2013, when the organisation was privileged to welcome Mr. Tony Morkel as guest speaker. Mr. Morkel is the grandson of one of the original Rhodesian pioneer settlers, and was born and bred in Rhodesia, where he both served with distinction in the Rhodesian Army during the Bush War and pursued a highly successful business career. Since 2000 he has been resident in the UK however, where he has been able to establish an increasingly successful publishing company which inter alia, specialises in publishing Rhodesiana of various descriptions. In his enthralling talk Mr. Morkel told something about how his grandfather became one of the earliest Rhodesian pioneers, as well as telling something about his own personal history in the country, and then described how he set-up his publishing company and detailed some of the books which he had published.



In August 2013 the Springbok Club staged a most pleasant visit to a scenic garden owned by David and Virginia Lardner-Burke (the son and daughter-in-law of former Rhodesian cabinet minister Desmond Lardner-Burke) in Surrey. The ornate garden proved a most awe-inspiring site, and with its beautifully manicured lawns, open-air swimming pool and lawn tennis court seemed to encapsulate the Rhodesian ideal, albeit situated in the English home counties.




On 30th January 2013 the Springbok Club held their 2013 AGM in central London. After the business side of proceedings were concluded Mr. Gary Vincent gave another of his fascinating illustrated talks about the Battle of Rorke’s Drift, this time concentrating upon the fighting around the hospital and pointing out certain inaccuracies in the otherwise brilliant film Zulu.



On Saturday 10th November the Springbok Club staged its annual UDI Day Dinner in central London. This year's guest speaker was Mr. Mike Thorburn, who as well as living most of his life in the erstwhile Nyasaland and Rhodesia, also served with the Rhodesia Regiment and the BSAP Reserve. In a most illuminating talk Mr. Thorburn told not only something about his personal and military experiences in Rhodesia, but also informed everyone about the history and details of the "Hoisting of the Flag" ceremony which has been held every September in Norfolk since 1981, as a continuation of the ceremony which was held each year in Salisbury, Rhodesia, from the foundation of the country in 1890 until 1980. At the conclusion of the meeting it was agreed that the Springbok Club would support this most important ceremony preserving the Rhodesian ideal in September 2013, and hopefully every year thereafter.



In September 2012 the Springbok Club staged a trip to Greenwich in order to see both the newly restored Cutty Sark and Greenwich Park, where all the Equestrianism Events at the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games of course took place. The Springbok Club party also visited Greenwich Palace where they were able to see the famous painted ceiling featuring King William III and Queen Mary II seated in splendour – which as this event took place on the same day as the grand march in Belfast commemorating the signing of the Ulster Covenant (where a number of Springbok Club members from Ulster participated) was a particularly appropriate setting to be at.



During August 2012 Springbok Club members and supporters attended several of the events at the London 2012 Olympic Games, including a party which was organised in order to watch the Women’s Marathon – who finished the day at a convivial pub in Covent Garden where they were able to watch Andy Murray winning Gold on a giant TV screen!



The Springbok Club organised a party to view the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Pageant down the Thames in June 2012. Unfortunately the massive crowds at this event prevented any good viewing – but the atmosphere and the inspiring Imperial patriotism proved something to behold!



In April 2012 the Springbok Club staged a trip to Eltham Palace in south-east London. This well-attended event proved a most enjoyable success, with those in attendance being able to view not only the historical palace itself (which dates from the reign of King Edward I, and was where the future King Henry VIII spent his childhood) and its scenic gardens, but also the splendid art deco interior which was re-furbished during the ownership of Stephen and Virginia Courtauld (the wealthy textile manufacturers, who subsequently emigrated to Rhodesia.)



The Springbok Club’s 2012 AGM was held in January. After reports from both the Organiser and the Treasurer, and the election of a new Executive Committee for 2012, the meeting was treated to a presentation about the Battle of Rorke’s Drift by Mr. Gary Vincent, using a re-constructed model of the battle scene. Mr. Vincent, a prominent local historian, concentrated particularly on the military service of Private George Comberton during the Zulu Wars, a Belfast-born volunteer who subsequently settled in the east end of London where he established a successful chain of butcher’s shops.



In December 2011 the Springbok Club held a special social gathering in central London in order to celebrate several recent most encouraging developments on the international stage, as well as planning activities for 2012 – Olympic year!



In November 2011 members of the Springbok Club attended the Remembrance Day Service conducted by the Rhodesian Army Association. This proved a most moving occasion, and fuller details can be found on our “Latest Rhodesian News” web-page. After the service some of the Springbok Club members present went on a short walking tour conducted by Susan Gordon through the near-by Victoria Embankment Gardens in order to see the many statues to great British heroes which are situated there – including a number with specific southern African connections.



The Springbok Club staged its annual autumn braai in north London during September 2011. Commencing with a conducted walking tour from Euston Station to the venue in Camden, for part of the route along Regent’s Canal, during which Springbok Club Treasurer Susan Gordon pointed out many of the most interesting architectural and historically important sites along the way. Once at the venue of the braai itself, as well as partaking of the delectable food provided,



In July 2011 the Springbok Club staged a joint meeting with the Swinton Circle at which the guest speaker was Lt.Col. Keith Kiddie, a highly decorated British army officer who has seen action in most of the major British military operations during the past three decades, and who is now a Conservative Councillor in Norfolk. This proved to be one of the most successful and enthralling events staged for several years!



In March 2011 the Springbok Club held a special “sports day” gathering in a central London pub with a South African theme, at which matches from both the Cricket World Cup and the 6-Nations Rugby tournament were viewed by an enthusiastic group of Springbok Club members and supporters.



In February 2011 Springbok Club Executive Committee member Sue Gordon gave a most interesting illustrated report-back about current conditions in Kenya (where she was born) following her recent trip back to the country.



The Springbok Club held a very successful AGM in January 2011, at which it was decided to concentrate more upon presenting a “golden vision” for the future from now onwards, rather than dwelling upon Southern Africa’s present appalling problems. Everyone knows the disastrous situation prevailing in current day South Africa and Zimbabwe, and there are plenty of more politically-orientated bodies who are already alerting the outside world to this tragedy, but what is needed – and this after all was why the Springbok Club was founder in the first place – is a forward-looking organisation offering an exciting and exhilarating vision for the future. From now onwards, therefore, the Springbok Club will concentrate more upon the social, sporting, cultural, historical and wildlife aspects of our task in uniting expatriate Southern Africans and their friends, and organising for the future – and thus preparing for our return!


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